The vision of the Excellence for All STEAM School Network is to establish a network of schools that provide historically marginalized students from low-income, immigrant, and communities of color access to a high-quality STEAM education in a culturally responsive environment that centers their lived experiences in curricula and all schooling practices.
We aim to increase the number of Black and Latinx students prepared to enter science and engineering fields. Positions in these fields are growing in Massachusetts, yet only 3 to 4 percent of Black and Latinx workers are currently represented in these fields. By creating an optimal learning environment for STEAM learning, providing STEAM access and opportunities to students in these beloved communities, and incorporating their values and knowledge into the school space, we will be able to fulfill one of our organizational goals of socially and economically uplifting our families.
The mission of the Excellence For All STEAM School Network is to create student-centered community-rooted learning environments that enable our scholars to develop their analytical skills, increase their knowledge of engineering and scientific practices, and build their innovation muscle in order to “entrepreneur,” lead, innovate, and enter STEAM fields.