Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Technology includes computer and information literacy, with the main emphasis on competency with software through hands-on practice.
Engineering is about designing processes and making products to solve real-world problems. Our course enables you to develop your engineering knowledge, skills, imagination and experience.
Dr. Regine Philippeaux obtained her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Teachers College, Columbia University, her Masters in Education from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Science from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. She has spent over 22 years in education. Starting her career in higher education, she has also taught high school mathematics in Boston using culturally relevant pedagogy and worked as an educational researcher for many years.
The vision of the Excellence for All STEAM School Network is to provide historically marginalized students from low-income, immigrant, and communities of color access to a high-quality STEAM education in a culturally responsive environment that centers their lived experiences in curricula and all schooling practices.